About me

Hi! I am Ariadne

Welcome to my adventure travel

Dear Reader, I first travelled to Japan more than a year ago, for a few days, during which time I visited Tokyo, Kyoto and Osaka, and knew before I had left, that I wanted to return. 

Fast forward to now, and I have booked myself something close to a lunar month, and gone over my itinerary with a fine comb, several times over, tidying up details and trying to fit in a day as much as I possibly can. It may seem like a lot of time, and a lot to fit in just one trip, so I’ll keep reminding myself to live in the moment. 

There’ll be a lot of walking. That’s the idea. Got my comfy shoes, and the lightest backpack I could find to fit in all the necessities. Got my lists, my schedule in digital format and pencil on paper, maps and brochures. 

I invite you to join me in my meanderings in Japan. I’ll share images of the places I’ll visit, my thoughts and findings. If you’re interested in visiting, I hope you can find my tips and suggestions of use.

Your attention, pray, dear Reader, and your patience, too. 

NB The narrative is as long as a piece of rope, and it may contain loose ends.

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